Selasa, 21 November 2017

Artikel untuk Conaplin 2017: Culture Load in ELT Textbooks For Senior High School In Indonesia (Nurmala Sari, Anjarningsih, Junaidi)

Sarah Nurmala Sari1, Harwintha Yuhria Anjarningsih1 and Junaidi1
1Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java, Indonesia,,
Keywords:        Cultural Dimension, Culture Category; ELT Textbooks, Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia, Intercultural Communicative Competence

Abstract:           Language and culture coexisting in the society ground the argument of the importance of culture in learning a language. Cultural understanding is argued to be a pathway to achieve intercultural communicative competence (ICC). Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia states that the basic competence of learning English is to participate in the scene of international communication—which makes ICC an indicator of a successful learning process. Hence, to achieve the goal, a textbook, which becomes a resourceful material for teachers and learners, needs to contain cultural elements. This study examines cultural elements in vocabulary exercises in Senior High School textbooks published by the government. The cultural elements are identified based on Moran’s cultural dimensions and Cortazzi and Jin’s culture categories modified by Chao. The result shows that those textbooks do not really cover a balanced coverage of dimensions and categories of culture, which can hinder learners’ intercultural communicative competence and government’s aim at the same time.   

Artikel untuk Conaplin 2017: Read, miscue, and progress: A preliminary study in characterizing reading development in shallow Indonesian orthography (Anjarningsih)

Harwintha Yuhria Anjarningsih1
1Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java, Indonesia
Keywords:               Reading Development, Indonesian Orthography, Syllabic Complexity, Children’s Literacy.
Abstract:           Understanding what happens when children learn to read Indonesian is very important, in terms of both advancing psycholinguistics and improving practices that are done in educational institutions throughout the country. The current study aimed to characterize the normal development of reading in the under-researched, shallow Indonesian orthography. A total of eighty-two children aged 7-9 years old participated by reading aloud 100 words that are of high frequency, monomorphemic, disyllabic, and controlled for syllable structure (simple, diphthongs, digraphs, and consonant clusters). Reading miscues that were committed by the children showed that simple disyllabic words were mastered at the end of grade one, and diphthongs, digraphs, and consonant clusters were mastered later. Results are interpreted based on the predictability of the mapping between graphemes and phonemes in the Indonesian orthography.

Minggu, 01 Oktober 2017


D.L. Khairina, H.Y. Anjarningsih[1], & M. Laksman-Huntley.

Department of Linguistics, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: Speech disorder is the most dominant disorder that can be observed in people with Down Syndrome (DS). The main and visible causes of the speech disorder are physiological features in their speech tools. It causes deviation in their utterance production, such as sound omission, sound substitution, sound augmentation, sound reposition, and the combination of all the deviations. One thing that has not been known by common people about people with DS is their inconsistency in uttering the same words which makes them difficult to communicate with others. Thus, this research aims to observe the deviation patterns in people with DS by trying to find pattern consistency among inconsistent utterances that people with DS produce. The method used in this research is qualitative method. The subject is a 16;7 years old DS person with a mental age of 3;7 years old and an IQ score of 22. The data of this research are utterances with sound substitution deviations. Two patterns are discovered: (1) the subject tends to substitute the consonants located at the beginning of words and (2) the subject tends to substitute the sounds into alveolar sounds.



Y. Sitepu, H.Y. Anjarningsih*, & M. Laksman-Huntley
Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia 

ABSTRACT: Children with dyslexia have difficulties in understanding both pseudowords and realwords heard in quiet or noisy condition (Brady, Poggie, Rapala, 1989). This research analyzes utterance perception of children with dyslexia who are native speakers of Indonesian language. The research methods are quantitative and qualitative with the approach of controlled case study. Five children with dyslexia (DD) aged 7-9 years old at Pantara Inclusive Primary School, and 25 children with the same chronological age studying at Kwitang 8 Primary School, Pancoran Mas, Depok as the control group (CG) are given tasks to repeat 24 high frequency realwords and 24 pseudowords, heard in both quiet and noisy conditions. The 24 pseudowords come from the 24 words manipulated on the first consonant in the second syllable. The result shows that 4 out of 5 children in the DD experience significant difference in utterance perception compared with the one experienced by the CG. This supports the findings of Brady et al. (1989) and the data also show that children with dyslexia tend to alter consonants into voiceless consonant sounds, and the central vowels to the front or back vowels.

Senin, 24 Juli 2017


International Seminar on Language, Literature, and Education ISLLE 2017



Speaking as an effective form of communication is one problem faced by people with Down Syndrome. They have disparity on their speaking instruments, resulting in articulation interference and communication difficulties. Articulation interference leads to divergence in the utterances produced by people with Down Syndrome, such as the omission of phonemes, the substitution of phonemes, the addition of phonemes, the omission of syllables, the substitution of syllables, and the addition of syllables. However, people with Down Syndrome, when uttering a word,  can make multiple divergences at once. In addition, they show inconsistency in uttering the same word; therefore, there is a shift in the divergences they make. In this research, the patterns in combination or complex divergence by a boy with Down Syndrome are analyzed to see what sound(s) tend to be uttered. The method used in this research is qualitative method. The subject in this reseach is a boy with Down Syndrome aged 16 years old 7 months, with 3 years old and 7 months mental age, and an IQ score of 22. Data corpus in this research is utterances with complex divergence. The findings of this research are five utterance patterns by the research subject, namely (1) the addition of consonants to words starting with vowel sounds, (2) the omission of consonants in the ending of the words, (3) the omission of one of the consonants in syllables consisting of a group of consonants, (4) the substitution of patterns from VC-CV or VC-CVC to CV-CV, CV-CVC, or CVC-CVC, and (5) vowel retention and no shift in words.

Key Words: phoneme, complex, divergence, utterances, Down Syndrome.

Rabu, 31 Mei 2017

Ringkasan: Karakteristik Prosodi pada Penutur Autism Spectrum Disorder Tipe Verbal: Sebuah Pendekatan Fonetik Eksperimental (Tri Wahyu Retno Ningsih)

Prpmotor: Dr. F.X. Rahyono
Kopromotor: Dr. Lilie Mundalifah Roosman, Dr. Sugiyono

Tim Penguji: Dr. Afdol Tharik Wastono
dr. Asep Supena, M. Psi.
Dr. Myrna Laksman
Harwintha Yuhria Anjarningsih, Ph.D.

Sidang terbuka pada tanggal 23 Mei 2017

Autisme atau Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) merupakan gangguan spektrum yang dihubungkan dengan gangguan pada aspek sosial dan aspek kognitif. Gangguan autisme tersebut berdampak terhadap gangguan kebahasaan, yaitu abnormalitas prosodi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merumuskan karakteristik prosodi pada penutur ASD. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan eksperimental atau model IPO (Instituut voor Perceptie Onderzoek) yang meliputi produksi ujaran, analisis akustik, dan uji persepepsi serta analisis statistik non-parametrik. Penelitian ini menitikberatkan pada persepsi. Subyek penelitian adalah penutur ASD yang berusia 7 (tujuh) sampai dengan 12 (dua belas) tahun. Subjek kontrol penelitian adalah penutur yang tidak mempunyai gangguan autisme dengan rentang usia yang sama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan antara prosodi pada penutur ASD dan subjek kontrol. Perbedaan tersebut meliputi ekspresi prosodi, modus kalimat, dan kontras tuturan. Karakteristik prosodi pada penutur ASD ditandai oleh intonasi cenderung datar dan monoton, tidak mempunyai batas-batas tuturan, dan tidak ada kontras ujaran. Sementara itu, aspek segmental pada tuturan ASD menunjukkan produksi tuturan yang cenderung pendek, kurang ekspresif,dan tidak mampu memproduksi tuturan pertanyaan, serta merespon pertanyaan. Karakteristik ini berlaku secara personal pada penutur ASD dari tingkat ringan hingga tingkat parah atau abnormalitas.

Kamis, 25 Mei 2017

Artikel untuk APRISH 2017: Relevant Font for Academic Texts: Study case on textual paralanguage in Universitas Indonesia (Syauqi, Laksman-Huntley, Anjarningsih)

Relevant Font for Academic Texts:
Study case on textual paralanguage in Universitas Indonesia

Choosing font for academic texts becomes the authority of each institution as there is no international standard for this. Many universities which publish academic papers, including Universitas Indonesia (UI), choose Times New Roman (TNR) as the standard font. Nevertheless, initiated by the change of Microsoft default font into Calibri in 2007, some institutions have considered Calibri a suitable font for academic writing. Although recent studies show Calibri has better legibility on screen, none of them uses aspects of sociolinguistics to score which font is better. This quantitative-qualitative study attempts to fill the gap by scoring formality of fonts in academic contexts. Respondents consisting of 255 UI students are asked to rate the formality of fonts using Likert scale and compare their anatomic features which might affect formality. This study finds TNR is still considered the most formal, with a big gap with that of Calibri, and that some features of TNR such as serif and dynamic stroke width, which are missing in Calibri, help the font gain formality.

Keywords: academic text, font, formality, paralanguage, Universitas Indonesia